Annual Cleansing Calendar
Bring brightness and health to body and life
Annual Cleansing Calendar
Resources brought to you by
Herba Farmacy Natural Healing
A Simple Yearly Plan for two cleansing cycles
The first cleaning cycle – January to May
Ensure you are still on the Parasite Cleanse and restart it again if you have lapsed. The weekly maintenance cleanse is the crux of the program and consists of 7 capsules of Cloves, 7 capsules of Wormwood and 2 capsules of freeze-fried Black Walnut/ 2 teaspoons of Black Walnut tincture, taken together as a single dose, once a week.
Tapeworms and Ascaris worms are particularly resistant to parasite herbs and need special attention. Dr Hulda Clark uses a Mop-up program. However, we are hesitant to suggest it routinely as we know many of you are may be mercury-toxic and also sulfur-intolerant. The use of high doses of cysteine (a sulfur supplement) carries with it the risk of moving a lot of metals and hurting sulphur sensitive people. For this reason, if you are sulfur sensitive, we encourage you to use something like Vermox, (which is a commonly available deworming tablet found in many countries pharmacies without prescription (e.g. South Africa), though this is difficult to get in some other countries (e.g. Canada, as doctors are under the mistaken impression humans don’t routinely get worms). The usual recommendation from pharmacists is to de-worm every 12 months for adults and every 6 months for kids. Get the 100mg tablets and take one tablet twice a day for six consecutive days to eradicate these tough parasites. Do this at the same time as your ‘Parasite top-up program’ of 7 cloves, 7 wormwood and 2 teaspoons of black walnut tincture for 6 days and then shift to the parasite maintenance cleanse.
Start your Bowel Cleanse on the first day of February. It is a 1 week process.
March & April
Start your Kidney Cleanse on the first day of March. It is a 6 week process.
Do your Liver & Gall-bladder Flush around 21st March (it is a one-day process).
Continue the Kidney cleanse for at least two weeks after this, in order to clear the debris you have mobilized from the liver towards your kidneys.
Make sure you have a colonic treatment soon after the liver flush (ideally within two days) to clear stones that may have lodged in your colon.
(Those people chelating strictly according to the Cutler protocol may choose to avoid the Liver Flush as his protocol does not encourage it)
Take Liver Herbs for 4 weeks. The liver and gall bladder flush moves stones out of the bile ducts and does not clean the cells of the liver.
To do this take one milk thistle capsule with each meal and 1000iu of Natural Vitamin E throughout May to clean the cells of your liver. If you are interested in what other herbs Dr Clark suggests for the liver.
The second cleansing cycle – June to October
Ensure you are still on the Parasite Cleanse and restart it again if you have lapsed.
The weekly maintenance cleanse is the crux of the program and consists of 7 capsules of Cloves, 7 capsules of Wormwood and 2 capsules of freeze-fried Black Walnut/2 teaspoons of Black Walnut tincture, taken together as a single dose, once a week.
Start your Bowel Cleanse on the first day of July. It is a 1 week process.
August & September
Start your Kidney Cleanse on the first day of August. It is a 6 week process,
Do your Liver & Gall-bladder Flush around 21st August (it is a one-day process).
Continue the Kidney cleanse for at least two weeks after this, in order to clear the debris you have mobilized from the liver towards your kidneys. Make sure you have a colonic treatment soon after the liver flush (ideally within two days) to clear stones that may have lodged in your colon.
(Those people chelating strictly according to the Cutler protocol may choose to avoid the Liver Flush as his protocol does not encourage it)
Take Liver Herbs for 4 weeks. The liver and gall bladder flush moves stones out of the bile ducts and does not clean the cells of the liver.
To do this take one milk thistle capsule with each meal and 1000iu of Natural Vitamin E throughout May to clean the cells of your liver. If you are interested in what other herbs Dr Clark suggests for the liver.