Dr Hulda Clean Ups

For the body, dental, diet, and home.

Dr Hulda Clark Clean Ups

For the body, dental, diet, and home.


We are living in a very fortunate time. We are not expected to all look alike! The 60’s brought us this wonderful freedom. Freedom to dress in a variety of styles, use make-up or no make-up, jewelry or no jewelry, any kind of hair style, any kind of shoes. 
You will need to go off every cosmetic and body product that you are now using. Not a single one can be continued. They are full of titanium, zirconium, benzalkonium, bismuth, antimony, barium, strontium, aluminum, tin, chromium, not to mention pollution solvents such as benzene and PCBs. 

Do not use any commercial salves, ointments, lotions, colognes, perfumes, massage oils, deodorant, mouthwash, toothpaste, even when touted as “herbal” and health-food type. Find recipes for homemade substitutes. 

People are trying desperately to use less toxic products. They seek health for themselves. So they reach for products that just list herbs and other natural ingredients. Unfortunately, the buyers are being duped. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requires all body products to have sufficient antiseptic in them. Some of these antiseptics are substances you must avoid! But you won’t see them on the label because manufacturers prefer to use quantities below the levels they must disclose. 
And by using a variety of antiseptics in these small amounts they can still meet sterility requirements. 
The only ingredient you might see is “grapefruit seed” or similar heal thy-sounding natural antiseptic. This is sad for the consumer of health food varieties.

  • I have seen rocks sold as “Aluminum-Free Natural Deodorant”. You rub the rock under your arms. It works because the rock is made of magnesium-aluminum-silicate.
  • Men’s hair color has lead in it.
  • Lipstick has barium, aluminum, titanium.
  • Eye pencil and shadow have chromium.
  • Toothpaste has benzene, tin, and strontium.
  • Hair spray has propyl alcohol and PCBS. BEWARE! Stop using it today
  • Shampoo, even health varieties, has propyl alcohol! BEWARE! Stop using it today .
  • Cigarettes have lead, mercury, nickel and Tobacco Mosaic virus.
  • Chewing tobacco has ytterbium


Some of the unnatural chemicals listed are present because of residues in the manufacturing process, but others you will actually see listed on the label! 

Propyl alcohol and wood alcohol are present because the tubing used to fill the bottles is sterilized and cleaned with them. Ice cream machines are “oiled” with a gel containing petroleum products. This could explain why I always find benzene in ice cream. 
How can propyl alcohol in shampoo get into your body in significant amounts? The skin is more absorbent than we realize, and time and time again I see cancer victims who have gone off every body product except their favorite shampoo. They harbor propyl alcohol until they make that final sacrifice. It is better, to switch shampoos than to not need any due to radiation and chemotherapy! 
Find recipes for easy-to-make, natural cosmetics. But you might consider just stopping them all. Especially if you’re going on vacation. 
Use nothing that you wouldn’t use on a new-born baby. This is a permissive age. You will be the only one feeling “naked.” Others won’t even notice.

Don’t forget advertising is aimed at you, even if other people’s eyes are not! 

Don’t even use soap unless it is homemade soap (see Recipes) or borax straight from the box. Borax was the traditional pioneer soap. It is antibacterial and can be made into a solution. It is also a water softener and is the main ingredient in nonchlorine bleach. Borax can remove grease, too, and some stains. But even borax is not natural to your body and it is therefore wise to use as little as necessary. See Recipes for antibacterial borax soap.

  • Don’t use toothpaste, not even health-food varieties. To clean teeth, use plain water or chemically pure baking soda (see Sources)-but dissolve it in water first, otherwise it is too abrasive. Or brush with hydrogen peroxide food grade, not the regular variety (see Sources). Don’t use floss; use 2 or 4-pound mono-filament fish line. Floss has mercury antiseptics (with thallium pollution!). Throw away your old toothbrush – solvents don’t wash away.
  • Don’t use mouthwash. Use saltwater (aluminum-free salt) or food grade hydrogen peroxide (a few drops in water).
  • Don’t use hair spray.
  • Don’t use massage oils of any kind. Use olive oil.
  • Don’t use bath oil. Take showers, not baths, if you are strong enough to stand. Showers are cleaner.
  • Don’t use perfumes or colognes.
  • Don’t use commercial lotions or personal lubricants.
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Stop Using Supplements

Stop using your vitamin supplements. They, too, are heavily polluted. This is the saddest, most tragic part of your instructions. 1 have found solvents, heavy metals and lanthanides in 90% or more of the popular vitainin and mineral capsules and tablets I test. These substances will do more harm in the long run than the supplement can make up for in benefits.

Most of the varieties of Vitamin C that I have tested are polluted with thulium! Until all vitamins and minerals and other food supplements have been analyzed for pollutants, after they are encapsulated or tableted, they are not safe. We need more disclosure on our products. No manufactured product is pure. We can’t expect that. But at least we should be able to tell what impurities we are getting, and how much. 
It is possible to do detailed analysis of foods or products at a reasonable price. 

Look at the bottle of common table saIt, sodium chloride, that is used by beginning chemistry students to do experiments. 
It must be thoroughly analyzed for them because minute impurities affect their results. (Those minute impurities, like lead, affect you, too.) Look at the label on the bottle in the picture. Even after all these tests, the cost of laboratory saIt is only $2.80 per pound. 

It is most important not to be fooled by ingredient claims, like “made from organically grown vegetables”. Sure that’s great, but the analysis I trust would be done on the final, cleaned, cooked and packaged product on the shelf The package is a major unlisted ingredient. 

Toxic solvents like decane, hexane, carbon tetrachloride and benzene will get more flavor or fat or cholesterol out of things than metabolizable grain alcohol. Of course, the extraction process calls for washing out the solvent later. But it can’t all be washed out, and a detailed analysis on the final product would give the public the information they need to make informed choices.

All supplements must be tested for purity by yourself. If this cannot be done, don’t take them

Polluted supplements do much more harm than good. Get your super-nutrition by juicing vegetables of all kinds and making herbal teas.

Safe Supplements

There are, no doubt, lots of safe supplements to be had. The problem is knowing which they are. The nature of pollution is such that one bottle might be safe, while another of the same brand is not. In view of this, as I found a polluted bottle, I stopped using any more of that brand. That is why I am reduced to recommending only the ones in the Sources at this time.

  • Vitamin C, in crystal form, is a must in your lifestyle. It helps the liver, and possibly other         organs, detoxify things. It also helps retard mold, and perhaps even destroys aflatoxins! Keep         some next to your refrigerator so it is handy when you put away groceries. Add 1/8 tsp. to         maple syrup, vinegar, cooked cereal, fruit juice, leftovers. Have 1/4 tsp. (1 gram) with each meal.
  • Vitamin B2, 100 mg. This is the vitamin that helps detoxify benzene! Take one to three a day. While recovering from AIDS you need 3 tablets three times a day.
  • Vitamin B6, 250 mg, and B-complex, 50 mg. Undoubtedly these help the liver and kidneys in many ways. One a day.
  • Magnesium oxide, 300 mg, is another must. Take one or two a day. It is a major mineral; all of our cells need lots of it. Only leafy vegetables provide it.
  • Hydrogen peroxide, food grade. It is advantageous to kill bacteria and viruses to some extent every day. Hydrogen peroxide lets you do this. It should never come in contact with metal, including its container or metal tooth fillings. If you get a few drops on your skin it may turn white and sting, but does no harm, so simply wash it off. Instructions for its use come with the product.
  • Herbs. These are excellent supplements, both in bulk and capsules, but not extracts, concentrates, or concoctions. There are many books that describe their uses.
  • Thioctic acid or lipoic acid (ALA). Presumably this chelates (traps and prepares for elimination) heavy metals, and helps the liver in detoxifying obscure and deadly poisons. Everyone would benefit from 100 mg. per day. 1 find it outstanding, and give it to many ill persons, even when not mentioned in the case histories. It comes as a 1 00 mg. capsule (see Sources). 1 use it at doses from one capsule, 3 times a day, to 2 capsules, 5 times a day. 1 have seen no side effects at these dosages, even in very sick persons.           (Added note: CAUTION: This is also known as Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) and also as Lipoic Acid, and there are serious cautions about how to properly use it as a chelator. Please use it according to its half-life only, as per Andy Cutler’s protocol on Oral Chelation.  
  • Lugol’s Iodine Solution (see Recipes) is old-fashioned “iodine.” iodine has a distinctive trait: it hangs up on anything and everything. In fact, it attaches itself so quickly we consider everything it touches as “stained.” This is just the property we want to make it safe for use. The amount you use is immediately hung up, or attached, to your mucous and can not be quickly absorbed into the blood or other organs. It stays in the stomach. And for this reason it is so useful for killing vicious bacteria like Salmonella.BODY CLEAN UP

Do not take Lugol’s iodine if you know you are allergic to iodine. It could be fatal.

Six drops of Lugol’s solution can end it all for Salmonella. If you have gas and bloating, pour yourself 1/2 glass of water. Add 6 drops of Lugol’s (not more, not less), stir with wood or plastic, and drink all at once. The action is noticeable in an hour. Take this dose 4 times a day, after meals and at bedtime, for 3 days in a row, then as needed. This eradicates even a stubborn case of Salmonella. 
Notice how calming 6 drops of Lugol’s can be, soothing a manic stage and bringing a peaceful state where anxiety ruled before. 
Lugol’s is perfectly safe (if not allergic) to take day after day, when needed, because of its peculiar attaching property. It arrives in the stomach, reattaches to everything in proximity. Doomed are all Salmonellas; doomed also are eggs of parasites that might be in the stomach (cysts). 
Naturally, one would not leave such medicine within the reach of children. Also, one would not use anything medicinal, including Lugol’s unless there were a need, like cancer, AIDS, or bowel disease. When the gas and bloating problem has stopped, stop using Lugol’s. If one or two doses of Lugol’s cures the problem, stop. Store it in a perfectly secure place. In the past, 2/3 of a teaspoon (60 drops) of Lugol’s was the standard dose of iodine given to persons with thyroid disease. Six drops is small by comparison.

  • Turmeric and fennel are herbs also used as cooking spices. They can eradicate invasive E. coli and Shigella bacteria! They are completely harmless, and are part of the Bowel Program.
  • Other supplements. The concept of supplementing the diet is excellent, but the pollution problem makes it prohibitive. Use only supplements and brands recommended in Sources, aIthough the best approach is to test them yourself with your Syncrometer. 1 can’t guarantee the brands in Sources will stay pure. If in doubt, leave it out.


(The Cure for All Diseases pg.435 copyright)


Here are two links where you can check the toxicity of common ingredients in your cosmetics:

Cosmetic Info.org: A more mainstream database of cosmetic ingredients and how they are tested and regulated.


The Amalgam Era may soon be known as the darkest era in human history. Darker than cannibalism, headhunting, throwing Christians to the lions, burning non-Christians at the stake or having two world wars. The amalgam disaster was perpetrated on the very young and very old, on the sick and the healthy, and on women as well its men, much less selective than primitive atrocities.

The toll taken by persuading all these people to accept mercury mixtures to suck on day and night is unimaginable. It started the hundred-year slide downward of our immune power, our only defense against extinction.

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The purpose of this dental clean up is:
  • to get rid of the biggest source of heavy metals, plastic ingredients and dyes that are damaging your immune system, besides your laundry bleach drinking water.
  • to get rid of Clostridium bacteria, that are part of the cancer cause, hidden under tooth fillings.

Our only defense against all the parasites, bacteria, viruses and even prions that try to grow in us is our immune system. We may think that cleanliness, intelligence, warm clothing and medicines protect us. But they do not. Our white blood cells have infinitely more power. Their job is eating our enemies and killing and removing them in a variety of ways: sometimes physically, sometimes through chemicals they make, sometimes through electrical (or perhaps magnetic) effects. When we accidentally damage our WBCs, it is a very serious matter.

Amalgam is producing a steady flow of mercury and thallium into our bodies, not to mention nickel, chromium, copper and dozens more. Even gold is extremely harmful, being an essential element for prions, Salmonella bacteria, SV 40 virus and even the HIV virus! None of the amalgam metals had to be disclosed even though nickel and chromium have had top rating as carcinogens for 30 years! Only mercury in California now has a warning.

Without disclosure, the entire amalgam-assault against humanity was a secret one. We did not know what we were putting in our mouths, although the manufacturers did. We thought “silver fillings” were mainly silver, and pure, when they were very impure and mainly mercury. The Dental Association knew all along what the results of scientific research was pointing to, and that the effects of eating such poisons, as one must when it is in the mouth, are cumulative so each passing year brings more toxicity.
It seems there was no concern for purity or health hazard by an organization that had the public trust. The Syncrometer® detected 50 metals in a single sample of new amalgam that was ready to be placed in someone’s mouth.I have found this quote to be completely correct. There is essentially no bleeding, no pain, no swelling and no return of Clostridium.
DON’T USE HOUSEHOLD BLEACH because it is not safe for internal use! Obtain food-grade (USP) bleach from Sources. Purchase the same strength, (5 to 6%), as regular household bleach. Check the label. Then dilute it yourself.


A – Silver
AI – Aluminum
Ba – Barium
Be- Beryllium
Bi – Bismuth
Cd – Cadmium
Ce – Cerium
Cs -Cesium
Cu – Copper
Dy – Dysprosium
Eu – Europium
Gd – Gadolinium
Ge – Germanium
Hg – Mercury
Ho – Holmium
In – Indium
La – Lanthanum
Li – Lithium
Mn – Manganese
Mo – Molybdenum
Nb – Niobium
Nd – Neodymium
Ni – Nickel
Pb – Lead
Pr – Praseodymium
Pt – Platinum
Rb – Rubidium
Re – Rhenium
Rh – Rhodium
Rn – Radon
Ru – Ruthenium
Sb – Antimony
Sc – Scandium
Se – Selenium
Si – Silicon
Sm – Samarium
Sn – Tin
Sr – Strontium
TI – Thallium
Ta – Tantalum
Tb – Terbium
Ti – Titanium
Yb – Ytterbium
V – Vanadium
W – Tungsten
Y – Yttrium
Zn – Zinc
Zr – Zirconium

Fig. 92 Elements found in “pure” amalgam by Syncrometer (pg. 328 POAC)

Notice the lanthanides in amalgam: Ce, Dy, Eu, Gd, Ho, La, No, Nb, Pr, Sm, Tb, Yb, Y. They are nearly all represented. As they diffuse out into our bodies, will their paramagnetic nature upset the delicate iron balance, will they be excretable? This should have been studied before putting them in our mouths.
The cancer victim must remove every bit of amalgam, however tiny, from the mouth. There is no way of getting immunity back without this fundamental act.
White blood cells that have eaten mercury and thallium can trap bacteria and viruses but never manage to kill them. They have lost killing power. They also do not make L-G or L-A (see page 570). A tumor full of seeped mercury/thallium has no chance to clear itself of SV 40 viruses and Clostridium bacteria or anything else.
In earlier editions of this book I recommended drilling out amalgam to replace with plastic for teeth that had fillings. I no longer do that.
Now that I see bits of mercury spattered all over the mouth, some large enough to see on x-rays, the safest solution is extraction. Tiny bits of amalgam created by drilling would add up to a much greater surface area for mercury seepage than before. The amalgam-diseases would not go away.
Plastic fillings shed azo dyes, heavy metals(!), bisphenol A (an estrogen-like substance, not good for boys or girls), and malonic acid, urethane, acrylic acid, DAP (a phthalate), all of which are carcinogens.

But a way has been found to stop plastic seepage, although the results are preliminary. If you have only plastic, not plastic-replacing-amalgam, you could choose this new and experimental path. It has been in use for 4 years but only used for 2 dozen patients. In each case, the new treatment stopped the seepage. It is done with a tooth zappicator, see page 344.
Extracting the teeth that once had amalgam and zappicating your plastic teeth is a compromise that should be monitored by each person choosing it. Have your saliva tested by Syncrometer .

The visit to the dentist

Find an oral surgeon or dentist willing to clean up your mouth for you. Willing to search for leftover bits of old amalgam, called tattoos. It is more than “just pulling teeth.” You may need to search hard for such a dentist. The alternative dentists have led the movement to ban amalgam from dental supplies. If you have cancer or other disease, find a metal-free dentist. This points to the progressive stance of this professional group. You may need to travel many miles and even visit other countries to find the right alternative dentist.
First, obtain a good quality panoramic x-ray of your mouth. A panoramic views the entire mouth including jaws and sinuses allowing you to see much more than single teeth (see page 335).
If your decision has been made, no delay is necessary. The dentist can see all the metal teeth at a glance. Then request in writing that she/he extract them, or sign the appropriate form (to legally protect the dentist).
Arrange for a friend to accompany you to the dental office. Ask for permission to have your friend nearby, just outside the cubicle with the dental chair. Your friend can hand you your antiseptic. Your friend should sit quietly, not wasting the dentist’s time with talk or questions. Your friend can drive you home.
Treat yourself to a good meal before going for dental work. You will be on liquids for two days and should not lose weight. Do not take extra vitamin C on your dental day. It detoxifies, that is, destroys anesthetic, so the dentist would have to give you much more of it.
If you have “dentist phobia”, take a strong dose of painkiller (not aspirin), 1/2 hour before your appointment time (so you won’t even feel the painkiller being given!).

Your antiseptic is best - Make your own!

By far the best antiseptic to use during dental work is USP (NSF) chlorine bleach; this is the kind that does not have the 5 immunity destroyers. This excerpt describes it:
Bunyan [in The Use of Hypochlorite For The Control of Bleeding, Oral Surgery, v. 13, 1960, pp. 1026-1032] reported that rinsing with 0.2% hypochlorite solution stops postoperative bleeding within 1 minute after a tooth extraction or other oral operation. The hypochlorite solution functions also to contract and harden the blood clots and make them more resistant to infection. In addition to the effective hemostasis and the change in the character of the clot, the author reported a reduction of swelling of traumatized gingival tissues and diminution of the postoperative pain.

Bleach, whether USP or not is very caustic. You must not use it at full strength. You must dilute it 100-fold. Follow the recipe exactly.

We will name your new diluted bleach that you have just made, Dental Bleach. It is only 1 % as strong as regular bleach. Even this may be too strong for you. Try it at home first. You may dilute it further, in half. Then take it with you to the dentist, along with a safe cup. You will need 1/2 cup. Rinse your mouth with it just before you sit down in the dental chair. Never swallow it! Spit it into the receptacle. Hold your antiseptic in your lap. Later, when the dentist signals you to rinse your mouth, use your solution again. Also rinse one last time before leaving the office. The dentist will appreciate this extra care because she/he is less likely to see post-dental infection in you.Second best would be Lugol’s iodine solution (six drops of actual Lugol’s iodine in 1/2 cup of water). [WARNING: DO NOT USE LUGOLS IODONE IF YOU AR ALLERGIC TO IODINE] This is not nearly as good. Use up the entire amount before leaving the dental office.

Third best is colloidal silver. Make your own colloidal silver solution since the commercially available ones I tested had the usual laundry bleach antiseptic.

(The Prevention of All Cancers pg. 327 copyright)


As soon as the extractions are completed, the sockets left behind must be cleaned to remove leftover bits of tissue. This will prevent leaving a residue for bacteria to thrive on later. Then they are squirted with a dropper of diluted Lugol’s iodine solution, or straight white iodine (see Recipes page 556). If you are allergic to iodine use Dental Bleach for this, too. You must supply these.

Commercial antiseptic made for the dental profession is not satisfactory. It invariably contains isopropyl alcohol besides dyes and other chemicals. These will enter your
brain and tumors immediately through your new wounds. Strong salt water or straight ethyl alcohol (20%) would be better.

Save the pieces

Tell the dentist before sitting down in the chair that you would like to keep the extracted teeth, root canals, and fillings, but they can all be tossed into a bag together. If the dentist tells you this is not allowed due to Public Health regulations, agree to fill out the proper application forms. (Were they safer in your mouth?) But they do belong to you. You may be curious in the future about what they contain, and could have been leaching.
If the odor from them is overwhelming you may understand how the internal infection of these teeth was poisoning your body! Finally, you may wish to look for the
Clostridium infection, which would be a darkened area or fine black lines under fillings.
Save loose pieces of metal and plastic because you may wish to have them analyzed at a later date, too. Or you may simply wish to gloat over the retrieved “treasure” as you identify corrosion and infection. Take a picture of them to remind you later how bad they really were.
When extractions are done, congratulate yourself for the achievement. Start the Dental Aftercare program at once. Do not eat or drink (besides water) for the rest of the day after an extraction.
Fig. 93 Tops and bottoms of some metal crowns (pg.333 POAC)
The top surfaces of fillings and crowns are kept glossy by brushing (you swallow the “brushings”). Underneath is tarnish and foulness. Ask to see your crowns when they are removed
All root canals and dead teeth must be extracted, as well as teeth with metal fillings. Teeth with implants have not been studied enough to know which metals they shed or if Clostridium infections start in their vicinity. For this reason, you must use your own judgment on implants.

After extractions and cleaning the socket, the dentist or surgeon needs to do two more things before stitching up the wound: old cavitation cleaning and amalgam clean up.

Huggins Cavitation Cleaning

The tooth was held in the socket by soft tissues like tiny ligaments. Unless these are removed, too, they will decay and provide opportunity for bacteria to reside there, to create a future cavitation. This procedure was taught in the past by Dr. Hal Huggins and many dentists are familiar with it.
While the new sockets are being cleaned, any old infected sockets, called old cavitations should be cleaned out as well. Some cavitation sites are less obvious; they must be searched for by a knowledgeable dentist. Hidden cavitations, those that don’t show up on the x-ray, nor develop at former tooth sites, often clear up without surgery after this dental clean up.

Arechiga Gum Cleaning

The second task after extracting your metal teeth and cleaning cavitations is to remove imbedded amalgam from the gums. This procedure has been developed by Dr. Benjamin Arechiga of Mexico. Each quadrant of your mouth needs an amalgam clean up. The top of the gum line will be gray from absorbed mercury. It is easiest for you to have this done while extractions are being done. The dentist begins by cutting a straight line on top of the bony ridge of the jaw where teeth once were.
Next, he/she snips away 1/8 inch (3 mm) of the gum on each side of the incision. Two ribbons 1/8 inch wide and extending from the wisdom teeth to the closest front teeth are discarded. The remaining gum tissue stretches over the top easily and is sutured over. Surprisingly, the new gum tissue is more elastic and heals much faster than the old, mercury-saturated gums. You can count on your gums  being healed in two to three days. We call it the Arechiga technique, after the oral surgeon who invented it. While the dentist is cutting out mercury-drenched gum tissue, the exposed bone can be cleaned of old amalgam bits that are easier to spot now.


Safety is our main concern. Safety from live parasites, safety from harmful bacteria, safety from solvents, carcinogenic dyes, and mold. Safety from asbestos. And from silicone (defoamer) and acrylic acid which turns into acrolein.

Yet making tasty food is important so you can truly enjoy it. To achieve this with ease and efficiency, you will need to equip the kitchen with:

* A stainless steel pressure cooker and glass bowls with lids to fit inside.
* A blender; an additional juicer/extractor is optional.
* An ozonator.
* A bread maker.
* A microwave oven for sterilizing (optional).
* Plastic cutlery.
* Glass or enamel pots and pans (not metal).
* Glass jars and bowls for food storage (not plastic). Some should have lids and fit inside the pressure cooker.

To cook use glass or enamelware, not metal. To fry a use glass or enamelware; occasional (once a week) use of Teflon or Silverstone is allowable. To bake use glass, enamel, or Tefloncoated ware. Do not use special sprays to grease; they contain silicone, which 1 detect in tumors. Use lard, butter, olive oil, or coconut oil which do not turn into acrylic acid. To microwave use low-wattage (600w) with a rotating plate.

The principles to observe are:

* Avoid asbestos, heavy metal, and silicone contamination.
* Detoxify dyes, benzene and mycotoxins.
* Sterilize everything
* Don’t overheat unsaturated fats

All fruits and vegetables were grown in soil that was fertilized and had filth in it. Dust and dirt made contact with the food. This explains why the Syncrometer finds rabbit fluke parasites on all of it. Ascaris eggs as well as tapeworm eggs and hosts of bacteria are all present. All meats, poultry and fish are similarly contaminated. Even chicken eggs, though shielded by bacteria-proof shells, have rabbit fluke within!

Only a few fruits are so safe they don’t need extra caution: watermelon, cantaloupe, and honeydew melon. The thinner- peeled fruits, including bananas, avocados, and citrus require careful sanitizing.

Yet simple ways have been found to make food safe. Not merely cooking and baking the old-fashioned way. These fail to kill rabbit fluke an d Ascaris eggs, although they do kill many pathogens. Not merely pressure-cooking, which kills more, but still fails to kill Ascaris eggs in hard foods. Not microwaving with its uneven temperatures. But with simple stomach-like chemistry!

Canned food is not safe either. The dust and dirt on the food prior to canning did not get sterilized. Even canned meat did not get sterilized, the temperature stayed too low. Roasted meats or turkey, even if oven-baked, are not safe; the temperature did not go high enough. Although the temperature may have been set at 400°, the food in the oven is considered done at 185°F and lower! Nothing goes beyond boiling point as long as water is present. Although microwave temperatures go much higher, it does not heat evenly.

Nothing presently employed in the art of cooking reaches the 250°F (121°C) that is considered minimum in a hospital to sterilize bandages or instruments.

But an ordinary child can sterilize all the food it eats! Without heat or equipment and, while eating with dirt-laden hands, the food is sterilized. The stomach is left with no more bacteria than there were before eating, about 10 bacteria per teaspoonful of stomach juice. The amazing chemical is simple hydrochloric acid. It is called muriatic acid when it is used by plumbers to dissolve lime deposits. Plumbers must use this very carefully or it will dissolve sink, stool and cement! It could dissolve your teeth! It all depends on its concentration.

A child’s stomach has 1000 times more hydrochloric acid (HCl) than most adults over 50 years old (pH 2 versus pH 5; ever-y pH number smaller represents 10 times more acid).

It is not surprising, then, that 2 drops of hydrochloric acid kills all the rabbit flukes, Ascaris eggs, tapeworm stages, and bacteria in one 8 oz. up of 2% milk. The HCl must be USP Grade diluted to 5% in strength (a little stronger than vinegar). And although one drop is sufficient, 1 prefer to err on the side of safety by doubling this. This is chemical sterilization at its finest duplicating the body’s very own chemistry.

Would it not be wiser, though, to stimulate the stomach’s own production of HCl rather than adding it belatedly? Indeed it would. But a way of doing this must first be discovered. This discovery would surely be the closest to the “fountain of youth” ever imagined.

Meanwhile, we can make sure that we stop eating filth with our food for the first time since humans domesticated animals. Yet we must not dissolve our teeth nor disturb our body’s acid/base balance by using too much HCl.

Our chloride levels and bicarbonate or carbon dioxide levels are regularly included in blood tests. lf you are getting too much HCl, you could expect the body to be too acid; the chloride or CO2 levels would be too high, while bicarbonate is too low. We easily see there is no tendency for chloride to creep upward after three months of use at the level of 45 drops daily, besides what was used in cooking. Nor did the urinary pH reflect greater body acidity; it remained at 6.0. Evidently, this amount of chloride (2.62 mEq) is negligible out of a blood total of over 500 mEq. In spite of this assurance, however, I recommend that you do not exceed 45 drops daily, not counting the drops used in food preparation before serving.

Just how to prepare each food and be sure it is sterilized is given in the table that follows.

The rules are:

  1. If it has asbestos contamination, peel it, or wash thoroughly and core widely.
    2. If it has molds, dip in HCL water (2 drops per cup).
    3. If it has dye or benzene (pesticide) contamination, add vitamin B2 powder. Only a pinch is         needed, and you may add it to the HCL wash, if appropriate.
    4. If it has dust or filth, as all vegetables must, cook them twice. After cooking the first time, cool         for 10 minutes. This seems to be the trigger that forces parasite eggs to hatch, making them         vulnerable. Then bring to a boil again for 5 minutes to kill all the newly hatched larvae. Always         use salt in cooking to raise the boiling point. Since salt, except pure salt, needs sterilizing         itself, be sure to add it before you finish cooking.
    5. If it has a hard center, like rice or beans, dried peas and lentils, use a pressure cooker to kill E.         coli and Shigella bacteria that also survive regular cooking at the center. After a 15 minute         cooling-off period, cook them a second time. Again, cooking the first time merely hatches(!)         the Ascaris eggs and cultures(!) bacteria deep within these foods.
    6. Nearly all supermarket produce has been sprayed to retard sprouting or mold growth or wilting,         or to give better color, or as pesticide. All, including bananas and avocados must be soaked         in hot water twice for one minute each time, drying both times. This removes spray wax,         asbestos, dyes, lanthanides, and benzene altogether. If you soak longer, they re-enter the         food.
    7. Finally, when adding HCl to food, add two drops per serving of each item on your plate, unless         otherwise noted (e.g. 2 drops on potatoes, 2 drops on green beans, etc.). Don’t sterilize water or Lugol’s water.


This is the easiest task because it mostly involves throwing things out. Hopefully your family and friends will jump to your assistance.


  • The basement gets cleaned.
  • The garage gets cleaned.
  • Every room in the house gets cleaned.
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Your Basement

To clean your basement, remove all paint, varnish, thinners, brush cleaners, and related supplies. Remove all cleaners such as carpet cleaner, leather cleaner, rust remover. Remove all chemicals that are in cans, bottles or buckets. 
You may keep your laundry supplies: borax, washing soda, white distilled vinegar, bleach and homemade soap. You may keep canned goods, tools, items that are not chemicals. You may move your chemicals into your garage. Also move any car tires and automotive supplies like waxes, oil, transmission fluid, and the spare gas can (even if it is empty) into your garage or discard them. 
Seal cracks in the basement and around pipes where they come through the wall with black plastic roofing cement. In a few days it will be hard enough to caulk with a prettier color. Spread a sheet of plastic over the sewer or sump pump.


    Your Garage

    Do you have a garage that is a separate building from your home? This is the best Arrangement. You can move all the basement chemicals into this garage. Things that will freeze, such as latex paint, you may as well discard. But if your garage is attached, you have a problem. Never, never use your door between the garage and house. Walk around the outside. Don’t allow this door to be used. Tack a sheet of plastic over it to slow down the rate of fume entrance into the house. Your house acts like a chimney for the garage. Your house is taller and warmer than the garage so garage-air is pulled in and up as the warm air in the house rises. See the drawing. In medieval days, the barn for the animals was attached to the house. We think such an Arrangement with its penetrating odors is unsavory. But what of the gasoline and motor fumes we are getting now due to parked vehicles? These are toxic besides! This is even more medieval. 
    If your garage is under your house, you cannot keep the pollution from entering your home. In this case, leave the cars and lawnmower outside. Remove cans of gasoline, solvents, etc. Put up a separate shed for these items.

    Special CLean-Up for Freon (CFC's)

    Because I consider Freon to be the top health hazard in our home, I recommend turning in your refrigerator for a non-CFC variety. Dispose of all spare units. Remove window air conditioners or test the dust in your home (page 485) for Freon. Have your car’s air conditioning system checked. Dispose of old pressurized cans. Even one whiff is too much. It never leaves the body because the body has no detoxification methods for it! 
    Only one useful reaction with Freon comes to mind. Freon is thought to be responsible for the ozone “hole” at the South Pole. Would Freon react with ozone supplied to your body and thereby become biodegradable? Indeed, it does! But only if you drink it as ozonated water. Other ozone routes, as intravenous or rectal, have not been observed to be as effective. 
    If you are following your progress with the Syncrometer, you will see that Freon now appears in the liver for the first time. (Before this, it was marooned in the parathyroids, thymus, and other organs.) You may also detect a feeling like indigestion. You must come to the assistance of your liver. Even ozonated Freon is extremely burdensome to the liver. 
    A combination of herbs (Liver Herb Drink in Recipes, page 552) rescues the liver from its plight, and prevents the indigestion. After drinking liver herbs you will see that the Freon now appears in the kidneys. Yet it is marooned there unless you assist them. Take the kidney cleanse to assist the kidneys so they can finally excrete the Freon into the urine. 
    It’s an elaborate detoxifying program and usually takes six to eight weeks to get most of the Freon out. Afterward, continue the programs at one fourth dosage for haIf a year. 
    Forane is one of the new refrigerants. Although toxic, at least I observe it in the liver directly, suggesting that your body is capable of handling it. Remember your new refrigerator will still be using a toxic coolant, and it would be best to keep it outside or at least vented to the outside.

    Special Clean-up for Fiberglass

    Fiberglass insulation has microscopically small bits of glass that are free to blow into the air. When house drafts pull it into the air you will inhale them. They cut their way through your lungs and organs like millions of tiny knives, spreading through your body, since there is no way out for them. You smell nothing and feel nothing. This makes it a very sinister poison. Your body, though, recognizes these sharp, pointed bits and tries to stop their spread by sequestering them in cysts. 
    Most solid malignant tumors contain fiberglass or asbestos, another glass-like particle. In nearly all cases a hole can be found in the ceiling or walls, leading to fiberglass insulated parts of the house. When these holes are sealed in an air-tight manner the house air no longer is positive for fiberglass. Covering with paneling is not sufficient. Check your dwelling for uncovered fiberglass. Repair immediately. Search for small screw holes intended for pictures, or electric outlet plates that are missing. 
    Also remove fiberglass jackets from water heater and fiberglass filter from furnace. Replace with foain or carbon. Best of all, hire a crew to remove it all from your home, and replace insulation with blown-in shredded paper or other innocuous substance. 
    Never build a new house using fiberglass for any purpose.

    Special Clean-up for Asbestos

    The biggest source of asbestos is not building Materials. It is the clothes dryer beIt and hair dryer! To be safe, remove the beIt from your dryer and check to see if it says “Made in USA” on the beIt itself. If so, it is OK. If not, it is imported, and probably contains asbestos. Exchange it for a USA beIt (see Sources). 
    Hair dryers, too, may be imported and shed asbestos. It is especially hazardous to be aiming a stream of hot asbestos right at your face! If you can’t find a safe model (see Sources), or are unsure, don’t use any. If you have cancer or are ill, no one in the houseshould use an unsafe hair dryer. 
    Turn off radiators and electric heaters and cover them with big plastic garbage bags, or paint them, or remove them. They give off asbestos if their paint is old.

    Your House

    To clean the house, start with the bedroom. Remove everything that has any smell to it whatever: candles, potpourri, soaps, mending glue, cleaners, repair chemicals, felt markers, colognes, perfumes, and especially plug-in air “fresheners”. Store them in the garage, not the basement. Since all vapor rises, they would come back up if you put them in a downstairs garage or basement. 
    Do not sleep in a bedroom that is paneled or has wallpaper. They give off arsenic and formaldehyde. Either remove them or move your bed to a different room’ Leave the house while this is being done. If other rooms have paneling or wallpaper, close their doors and spend no time in them. 
    Next clean the kitchen. Take all cans and bottles of chemicals out from under the sink or in a closet. Remove them to the garage. Keep only the borax, washing soda, white distilled vinegar and homemade soap. Use these for all purposes. For exact amounts to use for dishwasher, dishes, windows, dusting, see Recipes. Remove all cans, bottles, roach and ant killer, moth balls, and chemicals that kill insects or mice. These should not be stored anywhere. They should be thrown out. Remember to check the crawl space, attic and closets for hidden poisons also. 
    To keep out mice, walk all around your house, stuffing holes and cracks with steel wool. Use old-fashioned mouse traps. For cockroaches and other insects (except ants) sprinkle handfuls of boric acid (not borax) under your shelf paper, behind sink, stove, refrigerator, under carpets, etc. Use vinegar on your kitchen wipe-up cloth to leave a residue that keeps out ants. Do this regularly. To wax the floor, get the wax from the garage and put it back there. A sick person should not be in the house while house cleaning or floor waxing is being done. 
    Remove all cans and bottles of “stuff’ from the bathroom. The chlorine bleach is stored in the garage. Someone else can bring it in to clean the toilet (only). Leave only the borax soap, homemade soap, and grain alcohol antiseptic. Toilet paper and tissues should be unfragranced, uncolored. All colognes, after shave, anything you can smell must be removed. Family members should buy unfragranced products. They should smoke outdoors, blow-dry their hair outdoors or in the garage, use nail polish and polish remover outdoors or in the garage. 
    Do not keep new foam furniture in the house. If it is less than one year old, move it into the garage until you are well. It gives off formaldehyde. So does new clothing; it is in the sizing. Wash all new clothes before wearing. If you have a respiratory illness, move all the clothes in the clothes closet out of your bedroom to a different closet. 
    Do not use the hot water from an electric hot water heater for cooking or drinking. It has tungsten. Do not drink water that sits in glazed crock ware (the glaze seeps toxic elements like cadmium) like some water dispensers have. Do not buy water from your health food store that runs through a long plastic hose from their bulk tank (I always see cesium picked up from flexible clear plastic). Also ask them how and when they clean their tank. Best is to observe that it is done with non-toxic methods. 
    If your house is more than 10 years old, change all the galvanized pipe to PVC plastic. Although PVC is a toxic substance, amazingly, the water is free of PVC in three weeks! If your house has copper pipes don’t wait for cancer or schizophrenia to claim a family member. Change all the copper pipe to PVC plastic immediately. If the pipes are not accessible, ask a plumber to lay an extra line, outside the walls. This is less expensive, too. If you have a water softener, by-pass it immediately and replace the metal pipe on the user side of the softener tank. Softener salts are polluted with strontium and chromate; they are also full of aluminum. The salts corrode the pipes so the pipes begin to seep cadmium into the water. After changing your pipes to plastic, there will be so little iron and hardness left, you may not need a softener. If the water comes from a well, consider changing the well-pipe to PVC to get rid of iron. While the well is open, have the pump checked for PCBS. Call the Health Department to arrange the testing. If you must have softening after all this, check into the new magnetic varieties of water softener (although they only work well when used with plastic plumbing). 
    The cleanest heat is electric. Go total electric if possible. If you must stay with gas, have a furnace repair person check your furnace and look for gas leaks before the heating season starts. 
    Don’t call the gas company even though it is free. The gas company misses 4 out of 5 leaks! The Health Department does not miss any; call them! House builders and contractors are also reliable in their gas leak detection.




    By David Hurst
    Source of article – was http://www.iol.co.za/html/frame_babynet.php?art_id=iol1280210886977M432&newslett=0

    A more unlikely end to the Hollywood dream could not seem possible – but this week it was reported that the deaths of actress Brittany Murphy and her British screenwriter husband Simon Monjack might have been caused by mould growing in their luxury Los Angeles home.

    Murphy, who starred in such films as Clueless and Sin Sity, was only 32 when she died last December – at the time there was speculation her death was linked to drug abuse or an eating disorder.

    When Monjack died in May at the age of 40, his death was blamed on heart failure.

    Now, in both cases, the cause of death has been recorded as pneumonia and anaemia, and experts have suggested mould could be to blame, damaging the couple’s respiratory systems.

    US public health officials are said to be inspecting the mansion Murphy and Monjack lived in.

    It may seem extraordinary, but in fact mould in the home is a common health problem, affecting tens of thousands of people in the UK, explains Malcolm Richardson, Professor of medical mycology (the study of mould) at the University of Manchester.

    “Britain is especially prone to moulds, due to it being damp and cold so often, and because a lot of the housing is old,” he says.

    “The common places for mould to grow in houses is wallpaper, flooring, behind wall tiles and on window frames,” explains Professor Richardson.

    He adds: “It can form in any poorly ventilated house, no matter how grand or ordinary, but it’s especially likely where there is moisture leaking.”

    A leaking radiator is often a mould hotspot – you may not even be able to see that a radiator is leaking, but even a small leak can be enough to wet the back wall and the carpet beneath.

    Professor Roy Watling, an authority on fungi and formerly head of mycology at the Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh, says: “When you walk around on the damp carpet, mould spores are released into the atmosphere, which you can then inhale.

    “Yet compared with countries such as America and Finland, there’s not much awareness of mould or the health damage it can cause – it can be fatal.”

    There are hundreds of thousands of types of mould, he says, but only about ten types cause health problems, commonly sinusitis, bronchitis and other respiratory conditions, as well as allergies.

    Mould is a form of fungus which forms anywhere there’s moisture trapped in the air – typically around showers, dishwashers, washing machines, tumbledryers and in kitchens, although it is also often found in the moist soil of pot plants.

    Any flooding is likely to lead to mould. If it is growing rapidly, the evidence will be visible in months – but it can take years to form and to be noticed.

    “Normally the immune system detects the spores and helps you to get rid of them by coughing or sneezing.

    “But some people with poorer immune systems are unable to reject the spores, and so they germinate in their lung tissue, causing inflammation.

    “Those most at risk of health problems caused by household moulds are children and babies, the elderly and those in poor health.”

    Breathing in mould spores can have one of two effects – it can cause an infection, which usually strikes people with a weakened immune system.

    “Mould is an opportunistic fungus, and grows aggressively in the body, stopping the organs working properly – so it can be lethal,” says Professor Richardson.

    Mould can also cause allergic reactions, particularly asthma, as the immune system reacts to the spores when they make their way into the upper airways and sinuses.

    Symptoms of a mould problem include coughing, constant tiredness, eye and throat irritation, headaches, skin irritation or nausea.

    For Christine and John Frost, from mansfield in Derbyshire, it comes as no surprise to learn that mould can have a devastating effect on health.

    Christine, 62, first noticed black mould on a wall in their living room three-and-a-half years ago.

    Environmental health experts told her that the bungalow they have lived in for seven years was riddled with two types of mould due to condensation.

    “The mould had spread everywhere except the bedroom. It was even in our carpets, curtains and some of our furniture that was only a few years old,” she says.

    She adds: “We had to get rid of our armchairs, even though you couldn’t see the mould because it was inside. It was heartbreaking.

    “I was told that it was caused by moisture in the air due to cooking and bathing, but I have windows open all day, even on the coldest days.”

    John, 77, a former transport manager, has suffered from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease for eight years, a progressive illness that affects the lungs and makes it hard to breathe.

    The mould problem in his home has been extremely worrying. As his wife, a retired traffic warden explains, this means breathing in mould through the air in their home “could be lethal”.

    “At one point our doctor told John to stay in his bedroom because it was too dangerous for him to breathe the air in the rest of our house,” she says.

    “Last year, I also developed a dreadful cough which hasn’t gone away. I’ve never had a cough like this before.

    “The mould in our house totally destroyed us. It was just horrendous.”

    Then, last year the couple had their roof retiled and the mould miraculously disappeared. The Frosts’ home has now been mould-free for several months.

    It means John can access the entire house, but both he and Christine still have the health problems that they believe mould caused or exacerbated.

    “Lots of people have mould in this country, and it can cause a lot of health problems as it’s always in the air.

    “If only we’d known the risks, we’d have had the roof done sooner,” she says.



    • The best way to prevent mould is to open windows every day, use extractor fans and repair anywhere damp is getting in or lingering – such as roofs, cracked wall tiles and windows. “Once mould has formed bleach is the best way to get rid of it,” says Professor Richardson. “There are biocides – a pesticide for fungus – that are effective. You do have to be careful with these as they in themselves can be dangerous to health.” 
    • You can also scrub down black moulds in the bathroom or kitchen with a copper fungicide, found at garden centres, adds Professor Watling. These can be diluted and dabbed on affected areas. 
    • In bathrooms and kitchens, use paints that contain mould inhibitors, says Professor Watling. 
    • In lofts, wasp, bat and bird nests can be prime spots for mould formation. Spores in lofts can drift down into bedrooms. remove all nests from lofts, contacting environmental agencies for help – especially in the case of a bat colony. – Daily Mail